html cheat sheet


Document Summary

  • <!DOCTYPE html> - Tells the browser that HTML5 version of HTML to be recognized by the browser
  • <html lang="en"></html> - The HTML lang attribute is used to identify the language of text content on the web. This information helps search engines return language specific results
  • <head></head> - Contains Information specific to the page like title, styles and scripts
  • <title></title> - Title for the page that shows up in the browser title bar
  • <body></body>- Content that the user will see

Document Information

  • <base />- Usefull for specifying relative links in a document
  • <style></style> - Contains styles for the html document
  • <meta /> - Contains additional information about the page, author, page description and other hidden page info
  • <script></script> - Contains all scripts internal or external
  • <link /> - Used to create relationships with external pages and stylesheets

Document Structure

  • <h1></h1>
  • <h6></h6> - All six levels of heading with 1 being the most promiment and 6 being the least prominent
  • <p></p> - Used to organize paragraph text
  • <div></div> - A generic container used to denote a page section
  • <span></span> - Inline section or block container used for creating inline style elements
  • <br /> - Creates a line-break
  • <hr /> - Creates a sectional break into HTML

Text Formatting

  • <strong></strong> and <b></b> - Makes text contained in the tag as bold
  • <em></em> and <i></i> - Alternative way to make the text contained in the tag as italic
  • <strike></strike> - Creates a strike through the text element
  • <pre></pre> - Preformatted monospace text block with some spacing intact
  • <blockquote></blockquote> - Contains long paragraphs of quotations often cited
  • <abbr></abbr> - Contains abbreviations while also making the full form avaialable
  • <address></address> - Used to display contact information
  • <code></code> - Used to display inline code snippets

  • <a href="url"></a>- Used to link to external or internal pages of a wbesite
  • <a href=""></a>- Used to link to an email address
  • <a href="name"></a>- Used to link to a document element
  • <a href="#name"></a>- Used to link to specific div element
  • <a href="tel://####-####-##"></a>- Used to display phone numbers and make them clickable
  • <a href="url" target="_blank"></a>- Open Link in New Tab

Image Formatting

  • <img src="url" alt="text" />- Used to display images in a webpage where src=”url” contains the link to the image source and alt=”” contains an alternative text to display when the image is not displayed

List Formatting

  • <ol></ol>- Used to create ordered lists with numbers in the items
  • <ul></ul>- Used to display unordered lists with numbers in the items
  • <li></li>- Contains list items inside ordered and unordered lists
  • <dl></dl>- Contains list item definitions
  • <dt></dt>- Definition of single term inline with body content
  • <dd></dd>- The descrpition of the defined term

Forms Formatting and Attributes

  • <form action="url"></form> - Form element creates a form and action=”” specifies where the data is to be sent to when the - visitor submits the form

    • method=”somefunction()” - Contains the type of request (GET, POST… etc) which dictates how to send the data of the form
    • enctype=”” - Dictates how the data is to be encoded when the data is sent to the web server.
    • autocomplete=”” - Specifies if the autocomplete functionality is enabled or not
    • novalidate Dictates if the form will be validated or not
    • accept-charset=”” - Identifies the character encoding upon form submission
    • target=”” - Tell where to display the information upon form submission. Possible values: ‘_blank’, ‘_self’, ‘_parent’, ‘_top’
  • <fieldset disabled="disabled"></fieldset> - Identifies the group of all fields in the form

  • <label for=""></label> - A simple field label telling the user what to type in the field

  • <legend></legend> - The form legend acts as a caption for the fieldset element

  • <input type="text/email/number/color/date" /> - Input is the input field where the user can input various types of data

    • name=”” - Describes the name of the form
    • width=”” - Specifies the width of an input field
    • value=”” - Describes the value of the input information field
    • size=”” - Specifies the input element width in characters
    • maxlength=”” - Specifies the maximum input character numbers
    • required=”” - Specifies if the input field is required to fill in before submitting the form
    • step=”” - Identifies the legal number intervals of the input field
  • <textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea> - Specifies a large input text field for longer messages

  • <select name=""></select> - Describes a dropdown box for users to select from variety of choices

    • name=”” - The name for a dropdown combination box
    • size=”” - Specifies the number of available options
    • multiple - Allows for multiple option selections
    • required - Requires that a value is selected before submitting the form
    • autofocus - Specifies that the dropdown automatically comes to focus once the page loads
  • <optgroup></optgroup> - Specifies the entire grouping of available options

  • <option value=""></option> - Defines one of the avaialble option from the dropdown list

  • <button></button> - A clickable button to submit the form

Tables Formatting

  • <table></table> - Defines and contains all table related content
  • <caption></caption> - A description of what table is and what it contains
  • - The table headers contain the type of information defined in each column underneath
  • <tbody></tbody> - Contains the tables data or information
  • <tfoot></tfoot> - Defines table footer
  • <tr></tr> - Contains the information to be included in a table row
  • <th></th> - Contains the information to be included in a single table header
  • <td></td> - Contains actual information in a table cell
  • <colgroup></colgroup> - Groups a single or multiple columns for formatting purposes
  • <col /> - Defines a single column of information inside a table

Objects and iFrames

  • <object data=""></object> - Describes and embed file type including audio, video, PDF’s, images

    • type=”” - Describes the type of media embedded
    • height=”” - Describes the height of the object in pixels
    • width=”” - Describes the width of the object in pixels
    • usemap=”” - This is the name of the client-side image map in the object
  • <iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> - Contains an inline frame that allows to embed external information

    • <embed src="" type="" /> - Acts as a container for external application or plug-in
    • src=”” - The source of the external file you’re embedding
    • width=”” - Describes the width of the iframe in pixels

HTML5 New Tags

  • <header></header> - Defines the header block for a document or a section
  • <footer></footer> - Defines the footer block for a document or a section
  • <main></main> - Describes the main content of a document
  • <article></article> - Identifies an article inside a document
  • <aside></aside> - Specifies content contained in a document sidebar
  • <section></section> - Defines a section of a document
  • <details></details> - Describes additonal information that user can view or hide
  • <dialog></dialog> - A dialog box or a window
  • <figure></figure> - An independent content block featuring images, diagrams or illustrations
  • <figcaption></figcaption> - Caption that describe a figure
  • <mark></mark> - Displays a portion of highlighted text with in a page content
  • <nav></nav> - Navigation links for the user in a document
  • <menuitem></menuitem> - The specific menu item that a usrr can raise from a pop up menu
  • <meter></meter> - Describes the scalar measurement with in a known array
  • <progress></progress> - Displays the progress of a task usually a progress bar
  • <rp></rp> - Describes text within the browsers that do not support ruby notations
  • <rt></rt> - Displays east asian typography character details
  • <ruby></ruby> - Describes annotations for east asian typography
  • <summary></summary> - Contains a visible heading for details element
  • <bdi></bdi> - Helps you format parts of text in a different direction than other text
  • <time></time> - Identifies the time and date
  • <wbr /> - A line break within the content

Collective Character Obejcts

  • &#34; &quot; Quotation Marks - “
  • &#38; &amp; Ampersand - &
  • &#60; &lt; Less than sign - <
  • &#62; &gt; Greater than sign - >
  • &#160; &nbsp; Non-breaking space
  • &#169; &copy; Copyright Symbol - ©
  • &#64; &Uuml; @ symbol - @
  • &#149; &ouml; Small bullet - .
  • &#153; &ucirc; Trademark Symbol - ™



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