Better Mac Terminal Experience


Choosing a Shell Application

  • iterm2
  • vscode 自带

Installing Your Unix Shell: zsh

  • Zsh Installation: brew install zsh zsh-completions
  • Verify installation: zsh --version
  • Make zsh your system’s default shell: chsh -s $(which zsh)
  • Verify that it worked: echo $SHELL

Choosing a Framework :oh-my-zsh And Config


  • git
  • npm
  • autojump
  • zsh-autosuggestions
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • extract


  • ZSH_THEME=”spaceship”
  • ZSH_THEME=”powerlevel9k/powerlevel9k”


  • alias gs=”git status”

zsh cheat sheet

exec zsh Apply changes made to zshrc
tabs Create a new tab in the current directory (macOS - requires enabling access for assistive devices under - System Preferences).
take Create a new directory and change to it, will create intermediate directories as required.
.. cd ..
cd ../..
…. cd ../../..
….. cd ../../../..
l ls -lah
la ls -lAh
ll ls -lh
/ cd /
~ cd ~
md mkdir -p
rd rmdir
d dirs -v (lists last used directories)
alias list all aliases
x / extract Extract an archive (supported types: tar.{bz2,gz,xz,lzma}, bz2, rar, gz, tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, Z, 7z).
zsh_stats Get a list of the top 20 commands and how many times they have been run.
upgrade_oh_my_zsh Upgrade Oh-my-zsh.
uninstall_oh_my_zsh Uninstall Oh-my-zsh.
  • 输入 grep 然后用上下箭头可以翻阅你执行过的所有 grep 命令
  • 目录浏览和跳转:输入 d,即可列出你在这个会话里访问的目录列表,输入列表前的序号,即可直接跳转

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